The shape of the ladder in

July 2021

The shape of the ladder in

Do you need a new headset? Tell Davor. Could you use help with fixing a software robot bug? Ask Davor. Need someone to adopt your cat? There is Davor.

You may have already come across a few Short Bonsai Stories on Instagram – here comes one a bit longer but still Short Bonsai Story dedicated to Davor, one of’s first dots.  

First things first, what do you do exactly?

Currently, my responsibilities are as vague as the title sounds. I’m involved in almost everything from finances to technology, but basically, my job is to help other people reach their goals.

Can you tell us more about you climbing up the’s ladder? Where did you start, and where are you now?

It is a curious phrase, climbing the ladder – as it assumes the ladder exists. When I first came here, I was supposed to be a data scientist, and my task was to develop a Bitcoin trading algorithm using machine learning. Then Bonsai (today’s grew and we needed a technical sales guy, so I became more of a consultant. 

After we branched out into BPA, we needed someone to handle those projects, which led me to become BPA team lead. Bonsai grew even more, and we needed someone to help in business operations.

So here I am now, three years later, at the firm with a slightly different name and a new logo, as Business Operations Manager. This is a role that hardly anyone imagined we would be needing at the start, so we kinda created the ladder along the way.

What makes you stay at

Personal growth is what drives me most. When you look back at the last year of your life and can – without a doubt – say that you’ve changed for the better. Working here is really dynamic, so I often have to stretch my abilities and get out of my comfort zone, making me grow every year.

What is the thing you are most proud of?

The progress made as a whole – from a couple of engineers and a will, to a company that more and more comes to people’s minds when they think about AI and cutting-edge technology.

How do you describe to your friends while drinking štrukani*?

I almost always undersell, which is one of the things I’m working on because things haven’t changed essentially – we are still a group of engineers working on something we love. But when you put things in perspective, I think we deserve a bit more credit than that, as we fought with some big names on various projects and came on top, really delivering some amazing results.

*Štrukani pelin is Davor’s drink of choice

Is there anything else you would like to add to your Short Story?

It is not a coincidence I ended up working at, as I was specifically searching for a place that gives you a lot of freedom (coupled with personal responsibility, of course) and enables you to pave your own path in a way - and did not disappoint.